Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Next New

        The next new media thing would be the virtualization technology allowing students to study in 3D. With such technology students can take anything from a cell to entire human body and explore it in 3D. Any other field can use virtual projection which can lead to better understanding of things rather than one dimension diagrams.  This technology can be a better learning experience for any students who have problems imagining things, like while studying DNA structure or any complex molecule. Class participation can increase as professors can virtually ask question by adding or deleting part of images. Professors can save time as they no more would need to draw same images again and again.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


1) File sharing means one computer is allowing other computer to access their documents, applications, photos etc.
2) P2P file sharing is the distribution and sharing of documents, games, digital books and movie using peer to peer networking technology. This will allow user to access documents or other stuff from anywhere in world.
3) Examples: bittorrent, limewire, uTorrent, coursehero etc. this site allow people to upload their file and anyone can access it or download it form anywhere. P2P raises copyright issue because people also upload or share some copyrighted stuff which is illegal.


I have not contributed in wiki yet. I am majoring in CIS so I am planning to create pages on Java, HTML and JQuery( programming and scripting languages).  I will be adding how all these languages work and how to use these languages. Also I am taking classes for all these language so I will add projects which I have done in those classes.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


          There is always privacy and confidentiality issue with new media. Users still expose their personal information on the new media sites. It is most attractive sites for hackers to hack because it has a lot of personal stuff and that’s why privacy and confidentiality is related to new media. Not even new media, whatever we do on the internet is not safe. Over the past years, use of the internet is extremely rising day by day and along with that privacy issues are rising with the same pace.
There always be privacy and confidentiality concern because site admin’s can see our information and there have been some cases where they have to share user information to third parties.


My suggestions:

1) Baruch should offer more online courses so whoever lives far from school can have better schedule.

2) Baruch should implement better system using new media to replace blackboard. It will help students to concentrate in study and they can check the new site the way they check Facebook.

3) There should be a site where students can communicate with professors directly. Also they can check professor rating and teaching style.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Creativity is a natural thing which is hard to learn, but develops with time. Projecting actual thought process requires both effort and patience. But with inventions of software like YouTube, it is actually very easy to project one’s thinking. It can make any new video a hit within minutes, due to increased use of YouTube in daily lives today. It was a creative thought of Google Inc. which makes YouTube so exceptional and it is helping people share their creativity.

        Mash ups videos are creativity of user and it is been made by copyrighted cartoon characters. In the article “Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?” by Brooks Barnes explains how “Crank That (Soulja Boy)” video with Winnie the Pooh and some friends became a hit in a short period. There are so many other famous homemade videos like cooking, dressing, make-up, fixing certain equipment, educational videos and so on which describes creativity.  

Creativity and New Media

After watching a YouTube video on second life; I choose to create an avatar in second life. Also I felt more interesting because I like to interact with new people. In second life you can be in any destination and hangout there such as clubs, beaches and different cities etc. See the pictures below where i am hanging around a swimming pool and near a band stage in second picture.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Blog About Twitter

                Twitter is a social networking site mainly used to promote things. From news to products any information can be shared with millions of people in one click. Discussion on twitter is very different from discussion on blackboard which is used by most of the colleges and schools.   Discussion on twitter is very limited, mainly because the number of words that can be typed in any message is limited to 140. However, it can tag many people, quote other people and can also re-share information. Discussion on the blackboard is not limited on number of words. However, it do not have option to quote, re-share or tag people it has options for commenting on posts. It is more of a two- way communicating tool rather than news-flashing site as twitter.
                Twitter discussion is also different from in-class discussion because of limitation of words one can use. In-class discussion is two ways and there is quick exchange of information/words. Answering questions is easy in in-class discussion than twitter.

Social Networking Sites

                Social media networking has become necessity for many of us today. But with so many options available it is a real deal to choose the best one.  There are many options and choosing the right service and be tricky. The most popular and user-friendly is Facebook considering others like MySpace, Twitter and LinkedIn. Facebook is one of the most trafficked website in the world. Its important feature is the wall where people can post thing and conversation can be made two ways too with its comment options.  It has bunch of other options like games, group sharing, chat, internet calling and so on. But its popularity is mainly because it has evolved with needs of users and technology. Most of the options were added later on since it first started in 2004 and even today, many features including privacy are updated to stay up to the needs of users. It has great deal of features that are all inclusive like sending files, calling and messaging all in one option.
                MySpace on hand is not as communicable as Facebook. It is simply more convenient to display things/products on bulletin and it mainly for music lovers. People can upload music to their page and can customize it to their taste which then can be reached out by many. It also has email service which is not provided by Facebook.
                Twitter is also one of the highly used social networking services. It is more of the formal way of communicating and spreading the news. It engages its users in sharing exclusive deals, company updates, and news and is also highly used for marketing. It is quite simple with just one feature of interaction.
                LinkedIn is most formal networking site among all. Signing up on this site is like making a resume.  It is more of a professional networking site which can be used to increase professional contacts. One can easily browse anyone’s connections however it is time consuming.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


         The meaning of Social networking is to communicate with people and it was only used for personal life when it started a few years ago. Nowadays corporations and small businesses are widely using social networking as an advertisement platform. I must agree that it is the fastest advertisement platform to promote your business or items or services. An Article named “Real Facebook shop in virtual world breathes life into Mars” by Rufus Jay shows how Mars is taking steps to sell their real products on Facebook. After reading Rufus jay’s article, one can say that social networking is not limited to advertisement, anyone can sell their products.
        Social networking is a great way to stay connected with people because people are so busy nowadays. When there was no social networking, people have to have someone’s number or address to stay connected. It helps people in making new friends or to join the community. Even if you are looking for a job then there is no other better resource than social networking. In the impressive article, “How Obama Tapped Into Social Networks’ Power” by David Carr explained that how the Obama campaign used social networking to interact with people by going against Google and Yahoo.
        Yes, social networking has a dark side too. Imagine your employer sees you photo doing some weird stuff on social networking site, what will happen the very next day on the job? The main issue is privacy. There is nothing hidden on the sites. One of my friend's Facebook account was hacked and was used to harass girls. He got into a big problem but later the law enforcement found out that the account was hacked. I cannot make a statement where will be the social networking in the future because it all depends on their users, How they want to use it.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Blogs and wiki nowadays have become most convenient in sharing one’s opinion/thoughts. Both are increasingly used by students, corporations as well as for personal use. They both are used to share knowledge and information; however they are different in many ways. Blogs has single author while wiki can have multiple authors. Blogs are mainly chronological views of one person whereas content on wiki can be edited anytime by anyone. Most distinct feature of blog is that readers can respond by commenting/debating on content. Wiki’s content on other hand is hard to rely on completely because of multiple authors editing, however the sources posted below content can be trusted.
                Both communicating tools are emerging to be very famous because of increased web surfing and one can get brief information on anything very quickly. It saves time and is also not tedious as newspapers and magazine as it is accessible anytime. Such tools can be beneficial to society too.  Article named “Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid” by Michael Wilson exemplifies how a blog from Brooklyn community lead to a drug raiding. This shows how blogs are used in today’s highly networked world.

                Blogs can also be used for collaboration in colleges and other institutes as a part of assignments and group discussion. Also in corporate world it helps to brainstorm various projects or ideas. In the article " How To Use Wikis For Business" by Ezra Goodnoe states that "Although wikis have been around for a decade, they're just starting to take off in business." because they don't know how to arrange stuff. when a team working on the project and can not find where is the latest details of the project then its worthless. that where Wiki helps them to arrange project file and their project details.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Social Networking: A purposeful loss of privacy

My research topic is Social Networking: A purposeful loss of privacy

When we think about social networking, the first thing to hit our mind is Facebook, Twitter, Orkut and Google+. For younger generation of today, 'keep in touch' simply means find me on these sites. Many people use it to keep in touch with all their friends, however it is often misuse. Sharing personal thoughts or pictures of all kinds is fun to some extent, but many of us don’t know it could make a big impact on our professional life too. There has been cases of people getting rejected in their job interview or getting fired because of posting inappropriate things on their social networking profile.  Also,hackers can try to steal your personal information and put you in trouble. It raises so many questions towards identity theft.