Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Next New

        The next new media thing would be the virtualization technology allowing students to study in 3D. With such technology students can take anything from a cell to entire human body and explore it in 3D. Any other field can use virtual projection which can lead to better understanding of things rather than one dimension diagrams.  This technology can be a better learning experience for any students who have problems imagining things, like while studying DNA structure or any complex molecule. Class participation can increase as professors can virtually ask question by adding or deleting part of images. Professors can save time as they no more would need to draw same images again and again.  


  1. This new media sounds like it will greatly enhance the learning experience. Students can be more hands on especially in the sciences. Very interesting idea Krunal!

  2. interesting concept Krunal! Science will definitely be a lot more interesting and people will go into that field more often. i remember having science classes in high school and they were real boring, but if they had 3D studying, I would have been to every class!

  3. wow Kurnal it's amazing idea. i wish this comes to be materialized as soon as possible. Because along with many of professors have wished for this type of technology to show up all along. it not only makes it interesting and easy to understand for the students but also aids the teachers as well. a win win situation.

  4. Great idea! 3D technology would be fantastic in the classroom. It would definitely be a motivator towards learning and keeping students intrigued!

  5. Definitely an idea to further explore. Your approach emphasizes its use in science, but that kind of technology can greatly benefit many more subjects. Even working on technology, engineering, and math with the use of 3D imagery can greatly improve our education system!
